Dramaturg for the theatrical production The Wolves, by Sarah Delappe, directed by Magdalena Zira (Cyprus, August-October 2019).
Director of Homer’s Iliad, a short film staged in the Ancient Theatre of Kourion, Cyprus, for the University College London (UCL) Summer School in Homer, March 2017.
Assistant Director, Assistant Producer and Academic Advisor of UCL’s Greek Play 2016: Menander’s Dyskolos(Logan Hall, London, February 2016; International Festival of Ancient Drama in Messene, Greece, April 2016; UCL Festival of Culture, London, June 2016)
Associate Director of UCL’s Greek Play 2015: Euripides’ Bacchae (Bloomsbury Theatre, London, February 2015; National Students Drama Festival, April 2015; International Festival of Ancient Drama in Messene, Greece, April 2015; British Museum, July 2015)
Director of UCL’s Greek Play 2014: Aristophanes’ Clouds (Bloomsbury Theatre, London, February 2014; London Mayor’s Classics Fair, April 2014)