2019: Phaedra I—(First produced by Persona Theatre Company at Tristan Bates Theatre, London).
2018: Enter Hamlet (Persona Theatre Company's international project "Enter Hamlet" has been invited to open the Verona Shakespeare Fringe Festival on August 23, 2022 in Italy)
2009: And God Said (First produced by Persona Theatre Company at garajistanbul, Istanbul; subsequently travelled to the 28th Fadjr Festival in Tehran).
2005: Seasonal (Staged reading within the Analogion Festival 2005 at Alekton Theatre in Athens)
2004: Clytemnestra’s Tears (First produced by Persona Theatre Company in Athens/Dipylon Theatre; subsequently expanded in a trilingual production in Istanbul and Dimitria Festival Thessaloniki; the original solo piece was part of the La MaMa ETC repertory in New York in 2007).
2003: 99% (unpublished/unproduced)
1998: Sexodus (First produced by Devastation Productions at the Thirteenth Street Repertory in New York; also staged by a different company at the Women’s Theatre Festival, Culture Project at 42 Bleecker in New York in 2002).